Learning Modules

The following is a selection of modules you may choose from to build your own course of study:



[   ] “What is Consciousness?” — explores meanings and nature of mind and consciousness.
[   ] “Consciousness & Energy” — explores relationship between nonphysical mind and the physical body.
[   ] “Mind in the Cosmos” — explores the role of consciousness in evolution of the universe.
[   ] “Worldviews on Mind and Matter” — compares different philosophies on mind & matter.
[   ] “Knowing Other Minds” — asks: how can we know if anyone else is really conscious?
[   ] “Theories of Self” — looks at different ideas about the nature of self and personhood.



[   ] “Experience Beyond Belief” — challenges us to look closely at our beliefs about what is real.
[   ] “The Four Gifts of Knowing” — explores, honors, and integrates different ways of knowing.
[   ] “Transformation of Consciousness” — explores what transformation is, and how it happens.
[   ] “Free-will: Choice, Chance, or Fate?” — inquires if we ever really choose or act from habit.
[   ] “Truth or Wisdom?” — explores difference between rational knowledge & felt experience.
[   ] “Bohmian Dialogue” — an opportunity to experience collective consciousness.



[   ] “Quantum Consciousness” — looks at role of quantum physics in consciousness studies.
[   ] “Science & Consciousness” — examines whether science can study mind or consciousness.
[   ] “Artificial Intelligence” — introduction to cognitive science and possibility of machine minds.
[   ] “Evolution of Consciousness” — different ways mind evolves in people, planet, & cosmos.
[   ] “Psi & Science” — examines evidence and explanations for extrasensory perception.
[   ] “Strange Attractors” — draws on chaos theory for insights into how our minds work.



[   ] “Alternative States” — explores how different states of consciousness reveal different realities.
[   ] “Interspecies Consciousness & Communication” — examines sentience in other species.
[   ] “Mind-Body Connection” — looks at non-rational ways to integrate body and soul.
[   ] “Are Humans Special?” — challenges notion of human privilege & explores consequences.
[   ] “Nature Has a Mind of Its Own” — explores implications of panpsychism: all matter has mind.
