

AI and Practical Consciousness  

This Deep Dive audio podcast into consciousness highlights the key benefits of the
“Practical Consciousness” online workshop series,
presented by Christian de Quincey, hosted by Mind Transformations.

This podcast was created entirely using artificial intelligence (AI). No humans were involved. The hosts of the podcast sound real. However, because it’s AI, it can make mistakes. At least three times, the AI “hallucinated”—making confabulated statements that are simply wrong. For instance, it claims that I “coauthored” a book with Joe Dispensa called Evolving Beyond Belief. No such book exists! It also erroneously claimed that I am the founder of “Mind Transformations,” the organization hosting my workshops. I am not. Nor did I come up with the phrase “Spiritual Intelligence” (SQ). The credit for that insight belongs to Barney Wee, who founded Mind Transformations.
But beyond these momentary lapses, the Deep Dive podcast did a good job summarizing my work in easy-to-understand language. Take a listen. If you like what you hear, consider registering for the “Practical Consciousness” workshop series.


A Series of Three Online Workshops

with Dr. Christian de Quincey 
hosted by Dr. Barney Wee, at Mind Transformations

Overview: Why a Workshop on Consciousness?

Besides the current explosion of interest in AI and questions about sentient machines, most people do not pay attention to their own awareness and experience, and as a result they find it confusing and challenging to even talk about “consciousness.” Yet, because it is so central to our lives, learning how to distinguish and apply different aspects of consciousness can be life-enhancing.
For example, most people do not understand the role of beliefs in their lives. We are enculturated to think that our beliefs can have a direct impact on reality. In this course, we will examine the crucial difference between “belief” and “experience,” on one hand, and between “belief” and “intention,” on the other.
This series of three online workshops on “Practical Consciousness” has two aims: (1) To help participants understand what “consciousness” is, and why it’s important in our lives; (2) To emphasize the value of experiencing consciousness (from everyday awareness to alternative states of consciousness).
Rather than focus on academic information about consciousness, we will clarify what the word means in different contexts, and how consciousness is central to every aspect of our lives. Primarily, the course is designed to motivate participants to learn about and to engage and develop their own consciousness—including applying the power of intention and self-acknowledgment/self-awareness.

Workshop 1

Introductions: We will open with some introductory remarks—a brief welcome, and a summary of my credentials as an author of many books and international speaker on consciousness, as well as a professor of Consciousness Studies for Masters’ and PhD students at various universities.
Presentation 1: “What is Consciousness?” (60 mins)
After the introductions, I will begin with a Keynote lecture on “What is Consciousness?” (about an hour). In this opening lecture, I will reveal why consciousness is not energy, why using the language of physics (“energy talk”) is inappropriate for discussing consciousness, and end by clarifying the two basic meanings of “consciousness.” The presentation includes “sidebar” time-outs for participants to share among themselves in response to set questions. Followed by Q&As.
Presentation 2: “Who Are You? (7 Steps to Sacred Silence”) (15 mins)
In this second (shorter) presentation, I will focus on the central question in most psycho-spiritual traditions: Who am I? We will outline 7 Steps to Sacred Silence as a simple process for knowing who you truly are. This involves recognizing the limitations of our beliefs and, instead, paying attention to our in-the-moment experience. Followed by Q&A.

Workshop 2

Presentation 3: “Experience Beyond Belief” (30 mins)
Workshop 2 will open with a brief summary/reminder of the “Seven Steps” and why it’s important to cultivate experience beyond belief. We will learn the difference between belief and experience, and belief and reality, and distinguish between the impotency of belief and the power of intention. We will also reveal “The Manifestation Sequence” (never mentioned in the book or movie The Secret), and show why all beliefs are rooted in the past and disconnect us from reality as it actually happens. True, effective, manifestation occurs when we act directly from experience. This presentation includes 3 (1-2 mins) time-outs for participants to share among themselves in response to set questions. Followed by Q&As.
Presentation 4: “The Shadow & Light of Knowing Who You Truly Are” (60 mins)
In this second one-hour presentation on Day 2, we will identify the Four Gifts of Knowing, and show how the Philosopher’s Gift of language and reason can help us explore the three main problems in philosophy of mind:  1).  The Mind-Body connection—how does mind or consciousness relate to the body and the rest of the physical world?  2). The Problem of Other Minds—how can we ever know with certainty that anyone else is conscious?  3).  The Problem of Free Will—do we really have the power of choice, or is everything determined by God or physics?
We will also address the Scientist’s Gift (senses and method) and explain why standard “Plate-Glass” science will never inform us about consciousness. Instead, we need to develop “Looking-Glass” science for consciousness to study itself. We will also look at the Shaman’s Gift (feeling and ASCs). We will see how our consciousness operates according to four “patterns”—point, cycle, torus, and strange attractors.
We will conclude Presentation #4 with a brief look at the Mystic’s Gift (intuition and sacred silence), and how we can use our “shadow” and our “light” to “know thyself.” Followed by Q&A.

Workshop 3

Presentation 5: “Knowing Your Quantum Self” (15 mins)
We will open Day 3 with a shorter (30-mins) presentation on the nature of “Self.” Are you an “avocado” or an “artichoke”? Do you have a core Self (or soul), or is the idea of “self” an illusion? We will explore the two main theories of self: core ego and bundled experiences. I will also introduce the metaphor of “quantum self” to illustrate how self is both continuous and discrete. Includes (1-2 mins) time-outs for participants to share among themselves in response to set questions. Followed by Q&As.
Presentation 6: “Lifelines: The Power of Story” (60 mins)
In this final presentation, we will bring together ideas and experiences from the previous sessions, and guide participants to create their own “Personal Myth”—the story of their life from beginning to end. We will see how our personal stories contribute to the Great Story of the Cosmos and also how our stories limit us. We will briefly revisit the topic of “quantum self,” and explore the Seven Archetypes of Consciousness to reveal and identify the patterns that shape our personal lives.
Workshop 3 will conclude with “homework”—participants will be instructed on how to create their own Personal Myth, a stepping-stone to learning how to let go of their stories and to rely more on their actual experience (beyond belief). Followed by Q&A.

‘Practical Consciousness’ Forum

In addition to the homework at the end of the workshop series, I will assign homework between sessions for participants to practice, apply, and share what they have learned—including insights, comments, and questions. Participants can share insights and questions on a dedicated “Practical Consciousness Forum,” hosted by Mind Transformations.

Click the image below to find out more and how to register.


What Are Paradigms?

“Paradigm Sherpas” is a new podcast series by Ryan Donnelly. It features people who have done “Sherpa-like” heavy lifting on a wide range of topics—including consciousness, psychology, philosophy, quantum physics, UAP/ UFO, world history, current events, politics, relationships, systems theory, animals, nature, psychedelics, lucid dreaming, death, comparative religion, mythology, and creativity.
The “Sherpa” heavy lifting conducted by Ryan’s guests guides us toward new peaks of understanding and unconventional perspectives—helping us to open up to new paradigms of thinking and ways of being. 


Has Our Species Broken an
Evolutionary Covenant?


 [ Find Out How to Get Your Book Edited for Publication  ]


On Air-6

***Audio Interviews

Deep Spirit: Cracking the Noetic Code (Part 2)

Tune into “Energy Stew” for Part 2 of Peter Roth’s interview
with Christian de Quincey on “Consciousness and Noetic Knowing”

Friday, February 22, 2019, 11: 30 am (Eastern)

* * *

“Energy Stew” host Peter Roth interviews author Christian de Quincey
about his visionary novel

Deep Spirit: Cracking the Noetic Code (Part 1)

(January, 2019)

***ND radio

The Nature of Consciousness

Christian de Quincey

in conversation with Justine Willis Toms



Christian de Quincey
in conversation with Mel Fabregas


The Human Experience-2

Click here to listen to podcast.


Frontier Beyond Fear-2

Susan Larison Danz interviews Christian de Quincey
on BlogTalk Radio


Dr Pat Show

Christian de Quincey
in conversation with Dr. Pat 

[Note: poor-quality recording.]


In the Press


Cosmological Models: The Beginning and End of the Universe

Excerpt from Christian de Quincey’s BlindSpots


New Book

BlindSpots (curve)

Common clichés distort our understanding of science, philosophy, and spirituality.


Do you believe . . .

we create our own reality?

the universe exploded from nothing in a big bang?

time is an illusion?

or that God transcends his creation?

What’s the difference between miracles and mystery?


In his new book BlindSpots, philosopher Christian de Quincey examines assumptions and beliefs
that cloud our collective consciousness.

He explains how “thought viruses” spread as we unthinkingly use these clichés
in in our everyday lives.

(find out more)


Video Interviews

0. NTA (curve)Conversations on the leading edge of knowledge and discovery:

PanpsychismIntersubjectivity * Zombies & Angels * Interspecies Communication *

Questioning Assumptions * Synchronicity


iQ Noetic News

iQ Noetic News logo

Main Themes:
Information & Wisdom.’
‘Mind-Body Connection.’
‘Intentional Healing.’
Lead Article:
‘Beyond the i-Revolution’ 
Philosopher’s Corner:
Does Mind Create Matter?
Coaching Corner:
Do Nothing. Achieve Everything.’
‘Why Hope is Hopeless’
Noetic Q&A:
Seven Insights into Consciousness & Energy Healing
Writer’s Corner:
Living in Language

What Happens When We Die?

Is Everything Alive

.What is life?

What happens to consciousness at death?

Are past-lives for real?

(find out more)

Books by Christian de Quincey
5 book covers